Apply for Fall 2025!
Our application for the Spring 2025 semester has closed, but we encourage you to apply in the Fall! Sign up for our interest list below to get updates on the application.
Writers spend the semester working on an article on any human rights topic of their choosing. They will follow a pre-set timeline for creating their piece, with periodic deadlines for research, outline, and specific word counts. These deadlines are meant to be as accommodating as possible for Writers during busy times of year, while also ensuring that each piece can be polished and publishable in a timely manner.
At Humanitas, Writers will gain valuable skills that can transfer into internships, jobs, and future studies in human rights. They will gain experience in independent research, analysis, and writing, as well as expertise in human rights outside of the classroom.
Editors work to assist Writers throughout the writing process. They are led by our Managing Editors, and offer feedback on writers' research, argument, tone, style, clarity, and more formal aspects, such as grammar and formatting. They too will follow the timeline to leave feedback on various stages of article production.
Editors will gain critical skills in reading, collaboration, feedback, as well as expertise about the content they are editing. There is also room for editors to transition to writing, and vice versa, so that members can have a diverse array of experiences across semester, should they so choose.
Members of the Advocacy Board will be responsible for planning events related to fundraising and awareness-raising. They will aim to plan at least two events per semester: one fundraising event, where 100% of donations go toward a specific cause, organization, or location, as well as one advocacy event, which can be a speaker, presentation, or discussion that aims to raise awareness about any human rights issue.
Those in Advocacy will gain important experience in fundraising, collaboration, awareness-raising, and can use Humanitas's resources to make a palpable impact in any area of human rights. They will get to interface with experts in the field of human rights as we recruit for speakers and panels, and will gain thorough knowledge about the issues we promote.
Members of the Publicity Board will be responsible for advertising Humanitas events, recruiting for Humanitas each semester, and maintaining the Journal's online presence. Those with experience in marketing, advertising, or an interest in getting involved in these fields, are encouraged to apply, but the only prerequisite for applying is an interest in human rights.
Members in Publicity will gain valuable experience in advertising, marketing, and information dissemination, as they complement the work the Journal with readable online content. They have lots of freedom when it comes to spreading the word about the Journal. Their work is vital to achieving the Journal's mission of informing the UVA community about important human rights issues!